Who’s your team:

Your Realtor will negotiate, guide, and advise you on all options, strategies, and next steps.  I’ll be your go-to for all questions along the way and will forever be your resource for all things home

An older agent doesn’t necessarily mean more experienced or more knowledgable. An agent should have both ‘time’ and ‘transaction volume’ experience as well as still have both the availability and hustle to best serve a client in the PNW market.

Your lender is your go-to for questions from learning what we can afford all the way to assisting in strategizing an offer and having a role in the offer presentation. They can help advise on how to save for costs as well as how to increase your credit score “rapidly” or over the next year. They help you navigate in-house and brokered loans to get you the best rates and products.  CLICK HERE for more info

An attorney is someone who can help create estates, trusts, and LLCs for entities.  They may also help advise in unique situations or complex transactions such as buying farmland or a business with real estate

Your homebuyer costs:

Costs to close include downpayment, closing costs, and inspection/appraisal; It is all based on the closing date, sale price, and home size. (e.g. a 1500sf, 1M home may have 10% down, ~$10k closing costs, ~$800 inspection/~$800 appraisal)

Monthly payment is dependent on your interest rate (based on DTI, credit history, LTV), property-specific tax and levies, condo or homeowners insurance, HODs if any, and utilities (if not included in HODs)

An online calculator is a great starting point, but enlist the guidance of a loan officer for acurate information

Earnest Money is a deposit immediately made if our offer is accepted and is generally 2-3% of the offer price.  It goes towards your costs-to-close and any amount over required costs-to-close, you get refunded at closing. Additional “over 5%” deposit and non-refundable techniques exist which we can talk about but I discourage its use. (Example 1M home has an average 20-30k deposit or up to 50k if a stronger offer is recommended.)

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Learn the weekly listing-touring-offer cycle. Subject to market conditions, this cycle usually consists of a Thursday listing date with a Tuesday offer review. (e.g. List Thursday, tour Friday/Saturday, inspect Sunday, review/sign offer Monday, submit offer Tuesday)

Understand buyer responsibility: Picture the quality of life for ‘future you’ in the new home, review all listing docs I send you via app or email, and take your time making decisions but let me know them the second you do!

Your space should reflect the person who you are or want to be. How does the home make you mentally, physically, or physiologically healthier? More social? More eco-friendly? More Athletic? Want more hobbies? Want to be more efficient at work?

Understand realtor responsibility: Research home/seller/buyer competition in relation to buyer’s interest level, maintain communication with the other agents, and ensure the best terms and outcome for you the buyer

Make an offer. The offer is a sales contract drafted and signed 1-day prior to the presentation to the seller.  Before drafting, I’ll need an offer price, new lender offer letter, soonest closing date from lender, earnest money amount, and any additional contingencies you’d like.